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  2. School Closure

School Closure

15 March 2020 (by admin)


Dear Parent / Guardian,

Following yesterday's announcement by the First Minister that schools could be asked to close for up to 16 weeks we have taken the decision to use this Tuesday (St. Patrick's Day) as a School Development Day and therefore closed to pupils.

I realise this is short notice for a lot of families, and for that I apologise, but in order to allow my teachers at least a short period of time to try and plan a sufficient amount of work for your children to do when they are at home, I feel it is necessary and hope you can support my reasoning for doing so.

As I said on Friday, when we know what is happening with regard to schools closing, class teachers will then forward further information regarding what is being sent home.

in the meantime, should any parent feel they do not want to send their child into school, we understand your decision.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mr M. Moore
