Admissions Procedure


*Nursery & Primary School Open Evening* If you wish to visit our school and hear a bit more about what all we have to offer, please come and see us on Wednesday 6th December 6.00pm - 7.45pm.

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Ballynahinch Primary School and Nursery Unit . Please feel free to contact the school to arrange a tour, for more information or answers to any queries.

Admissions September 2024

Parents wanting to apply for Nursery and P1 places must do so via an online application.

Please check the Education Authority website on how to apply for a school or pre-school place, key dates in the admissions procedure and preschool providers’ admissions criteria for September 2024 admissions. There is a help video available to view below.

EA Admissions Helpdesk can be contacted by phoning 028 9598 5595 Mon to Fri (9am - 5pm)

You can also contact the EA Admissions Helpdesk at the following email addresses below :



Why Would You Choose Us?



There are many excellent schools in and around Ballynahinch, all offering high quality teaching and stimulating learning experiences in a safe and secure environment where children are encouraged to be creative, to think and to have fun.  


For a parent of a child about to start Nursery or P1, what do we offer that sets us apart from the other schools? 


Breakfast Club from 8.00am for all pupils  

All pupils in Nursery to P7 can attend a supervised breakfast club which is open from 8.00am until 8.45am. It costs £1 per child per day to attend and places do not need to be pre-booked. 


Afternoon clubs for all pupils, including Primary 1  

In non-covid times we provide around 15 different afterschool clubs in all areas - music, sports, environmental, technology -  for all children. P1 pupils can attend clubs from November having taken the first term to settle into school. 


On site childcare with Rockmount Den until 6.00pm  

Andrea runs Rockmount Den which is located at the rear of the school. Andrea’s staff collect children directly from their classroom meaning they never even have to leave the grounds before going home.


Interactive technologies to support learning  

All our classrooms have the latest interactive panels that support the learning of the children, all installed in the last 12 months. These resources, along with a set of class iPads, allow the children to have a multimedia experience to enhance their learning. 


Parent car park to make the pick up and drop off easier  

Schools are very busy at the best of times, especially so at drop-off and pick-up. We have a large car park that parents are able to use to ease congestion and have more control over the flow of traffic around our site. The drop-off area can be used in the morning to allow you to let your child make their own way into school quickly. 


Health promotion including the Daily Mile and walking buses   

All children are encouraged to participate in a Daily Mile - although this is very difficult to facilitate currently. We have partnered with Sustrans, the active travel charity this year to promote sustainable travel to and from school including walking and cycle to school weeks.


Team Sports  

We regularly field teams in local football, hockey, rugby, cricket, netball and cross country competitions. We work with local sports clubs to extend coaching opportunities for the children. 


Musical Tuition  

Brass, woodwind and string tuition takes place each with specialist tutors. We also have a very talented choir that regularly sings within the local community. 


Peer learning and buddy system  

Children really enjoy learning from other children. We are really fortunate to have amazing children who provide pastoral support and guidance for the younger children in the playgrounds and canteen. We also use peer reading in Key Stage 2 to help develop confidence and fluency. 


Counselling Services  

We provide counselling for children who are dealing with bereavement, separation and a wide range of other issues. Working with The Edge, we try to provide support for families & children who are dealing with difficult situations in a safe and familiar environment. 


School Council  

All our classes in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 elect representatives onto our School Council. They make suggestions about changes they would like to see in school. 


Eco Committee  

Our Eco committee help make sure that our classes are recycling, saving electricity and implementing ways we can make our school greener. We recently were awarded a Silver Green Flag to recognise the environmental efforts of the Eco committee.


Shared Education

We have a long established link with St. Patricks PS through Shared Education which allows the children of both our schools to learn and play together. 


Educational visits and residential trips  

Ranging from overnight stays in P6 & P7 to short outings around the grounds in P1, educational visits and trips out of the classroom enhance the learning of the children. Every class will have the opportunity to visit places that enhance their understanding of a topic or provide an experience that could not be achieved in the classroom. 


Modern facilities with every classroom under the same roof  

With the largest primary school site in the South Eastern area our children are blessed to have the most wonderful grounds to learn and play in. Alongside our Assembly Hall, a separate canteen, solar panels, outdoor gym, natural play space, natural climbing equipment, library, sensory spaces and resource areas, really make our school one of the best facilities in the area and we would encourage you to come and have a look for yourselves. 

A Day in the Life of Ballynahinch Primary School Nursery Unit

See and hear all about Ballynahinch Primary School & Nursery Unit