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  2. Return to School

Return to School

1 November 2020 (by admin)

Details on the return to school.

Dear Parents / Guardians,

We are all looking forward to seeing everyone back in school tomorrow after the extended Half Term break. Drop off and collection times / places remain the same and I would remind everyone to please adhere to them as it is imperative that we do not mix our class bubbles and maintain social distancing whilst on school grounds. 

Could I ask all parents / guardians to ensure that they leave the school grounds as soon as possible following the drop off / collection of their child. We must all do our bit to slow the spread of Corona Virus and to ensure that it does not impact upon our school community. I thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 

You will all receive updated information this week regarding parental interviews and how the new restrictions will potentially impact upon other aspects of school.

As always, please feel free to contact your class teacher or myself via the usual channels should you wish to discuss any school matters.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mr M. Moore
